Role Model: Jake Freeman, Goodman Masson
The second of our role model is Jake Freeman, Director of Banking & Financial Services at Goodman Masson. Jake has 15 years experience in the recruitment sector and knows how important it is to have visible role models in which you can both see yourself and be inspired. Jake talks about being an ally and what he would like to see change for the LGBTQ+ community in the recruitment sector.
Greater visibility and a safer working environment with a lot of firms. Senior LGBTQ leaders such as Derek MacKenzie and Lucy Morgan (our first role model) getting behind Campaign which has been a step change in terms of providing a network for those that cannot find that within their own firms.
What changes would you like to see and how can the recruitment sector do better for LGBTQ+ people?
I would love for all LGBTQ+ recruiters to be perfectly comfortable with being 'out' at work from day one when joining an organisation. I would like to see recruitment companies and senior leaders to genuinely value having LGBTQ representation at all levels of their business.
Why is it important that people have LGBTQ+ role models within the recruitment sector?
Inspiration drawn from those that you have common ground with is very powerful. Visibility of senior and seasoned LGBTQ recruiters is key and I think in short space of time Campaign has done a wonderful job of highlighting this. It’s important to be able to openly hear how others have overcome challenges and discomfort in the past. Understanding that others have had similar experiences and have gone on to forge successful careers within the industry is key.
What do you hope being a visible role model in the recruitment sector will achieve for LGBTQ+ people, allies and those within the sector in general?
A recruitment industry devoid of LGBTQ + talent would be a depressing place, although shockingly in 2024 it may not be far off a reality in some firms. I love working with LGBTQ recruiters so it makes sense for me as an ally to stand up and push for greater inclusivity. We have come a long way but we have plenty of road ahead and it is inspiring for me to be working with other leaders at Campaign on making a difference.
Thank you to Jake for taking part. If you’d like to hear more from Jake and our other role models our next event ‘Being an Ally’ is on the 1st February and open to both the LGBTQ+ community and allies.